VIKING RescYou Coastal Liferaft 6 Person Container FREE SHIPPING available for this item when using UPS Ground. Model #: L006UCL040ABA Description:
VIKING RescYou Coastal Liferaft 6 Person Container.UKCL/RescYou Coastal/ISO II.
Lightweight, and stored in a handy valise or compact high gloss container - both easy to transport and place on board.
Other deatures include an automatically inflating canopy, boarding ramp for easy access, convenient storage pockets, and two openings for better ventilation, paddling and visibility.
VIKING quality in a liferaft that exceeds the ISO 9650-2 standard. A costal emergency pack is included, with equipment covering all basic needs for coastal rescue situations.
VIKING RescYou Coastal Liferaft 6 Person Container.UKCL/RescYou Coastal/ISO II
This ISO 9650-2 liferaft includes all you need for coastal and inland sailing near rescue points.