Plastimo Transocean 8 Man Valise FREE SHIPPING available for this item when using UPS Ground. Model #: P63397 Description:
Plastimo Transocean 8 Man Valise.Blue water liferaft these heavy-duty life rafts feature two stacking flotation tubes and a self-erecting canopy. Flotation tubes are double chambered for secure air-holding capacity. Rafts incorporate Plastimo's deepest ballast pockets (14.5 gallons each) for stability, drift prevention and stronger anti-capsizing control in rough waters. Foam-coated double floor provides added protection against hypothermia. Retro-reflective tape on canopy and bottom of raft add visibility for rescue. Boarding ladder and a righting strap make boarding easier. Full greater-than-24-hour survival package included in the raft. Designed to be seen, canopies are international orange, and tubes are high visability yellow. Rafts are backed by a 12-year warranty, with 3-year service periods. Worldwide network of service stations.